Grants/awards as PI @ University of Glasgow
- Lord Kelvin Adam Smith Scholarship Scheme (2015-2019). £78,000. Elucidating the long-term impact of disinfection strategies on the drinking water microbiome. LKAS Scholar: Ms. Zihan Dai (starting October 2015). Collaborators: Dr. Umer Ijaz, Dr. John Walls.
- Glasgow Research Partnership in Engineering - Univ of Glasgow (2014-2015). £5000. Biofilm-associated public health risk in drinking water systems.
- HydroNation Scholars Programme: Centre of Expertise for Water. (2014-2018). £132, 757. A sustainable small-scale potable water production technology for rural Scotland. Collaborators: Prof. Paul Younger, Dr. Jeremy Guest.
- EPSRC Bright Ideas Award: Big Pitch in Water Engineering (2015-2017) £312,490. (FEC). Healthy Drinking Water.
- EPSRC Sponsorship Award (2014-2015). £25,000. Cell-by-Cell: On demand assembly and control of microbial communities for the water industry. Collaborators: Yeaw Chu Lee, James Windmill
- British Council Researcher Links (2014-2015). £3,640. Mitigating microbial contamination risks in drinking water systems. Collaborators: Rand Water, Tshwane University of Technology.
- Glasgow Research Partnership in Engineering - Univ of Glasgow (2013-2014). £4,409. Drinking Water: Microbial Management.
- EPSRC First Grant Scheme. (2013-2015). £115,899 (FEC). Developing an Event Prediction and Correction Framework for Microbial Management in Drinking Water Systems. Collaborators: William Sloan, Scottish Water.
- John Roberston Bequest – Univ of Glasgow. (2013). £1503.75. Characterising and Predicting Microbial Community Dynamics in Scottish Drinking Water Systems.
- Royal Society Start Grant. (2013-2014). £15,000. A phage-based paper device for rapid detection of pathogen contamination in drinking water. Collaborators: Julien Reboud, Jon Cooper, William Sloan.
Grants/awards as Co-I @ University of Glasgow
- EPSRC Clean Water for All Scheme (2013-2014). £50,000. Sustainable and Resilient Water Systems for Small Communities. PI: William Sloan. Co-I: Ameet Pinto.
- Water Research Commission - South Africa (2015-2018). South African Rand 900,000. Diversity and dynamics of the microbial populations associated with drinking water distribution networks and their impact on drinking water quality. PI: Prof. Fanus Venter (University of Pretoria), Collaborators: Rand Water, Ameet Pinto - University of Glasgow.
Studentships @ University of Glasgow
- Scottish Water. (2012-2015). £30,000. Developing an Event Prediction and Correction Framework for Microbial Management in Drinking Water Systems.
Previous support
- Water Research Foundation-USA. (2010-2013). $827,978. Engineered Biofiltration: Enhancing Hydraulic and Water Treatment Performance. PI: Carollo Engineers, Co-PIs: Lutgarde Raskin, Ameet Pinto.
- National Science Foundation-USA. (2009-2011). $312,560. Investigating the Relationship Between Structural Diversity and Functional Resilience to Stress in Ammonia Oxidizers. PI: Nancy G. Love, Co-PI: Lutgarde Raskin, Senior Scientist: Sudeshna Ghosh, Graduate Student Contributor: Ameet Pinto. International Collaborator: W. T. Sloan, University of Glasgow.